My name is Adam Wulf, and I currently live in Houston, TX, with my beautiful wife Christi and daughter Cailyn.
I am currently working on Muse, a whiteboard note-taking Mac and iPad app for ink, images, pdfs, and more. Bring in all your ideas, thoughts, problems, and make sense of it all in this tool-for-thought.
My favorite days are the ones I spend in prison volunteering with the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. PEP leads inmates through a 9 month entrepreneurship program, culminating in a business plan pitch competition. These men leave prison with the skills to create jobs for themselves and others, and statistics prove it out, with graduate recidivism near 7% compared to above 20% Texas average or 50% national average.
I’m have too many side projects, also Funnel Cake, a marketing analytics tool, an iOS inking engine DrawUI, and writing as I learn about machine learning into a mini-book Building with Neurons. I also write books for robots.
I am the founder of Milestone Made, maker of Loose Leaf. I also maintain the personal accountability site AskMeEvery. My clients include Flexibits, creator of the award winning calendar app Fantastical.
In 2006, I co-founded Jotlet.net with Buck Wilson until we were acquired by Jive on April 1st, 2008. My full résumé is available on LinkedIn.
Regarding your OAuth hack: i’m only familiar with java and have done some ios development. with iOS SDK, UIWebView acts just like a browser, so it does have the same origin policy enforced. can you explain how the injected JavaScript notifies the wrapping native application? Any code sample would be cool. Cheers!
I recently found your article on jQuery MVC (which was enlightening, btw). Any chance you’ll be finishing that puppy up? I’d love to explore some of the other topics you teased us with. Thanks.