My name is Adam Wulf, and I currently live in Houston, TX, with my beautiful wife Christi and daughter Cailyn.
I am currently working on Muse, a whiteboard note-taking Mac and iPad app for ink, images, pdfs, and more. Bring in all your ideas, thoughts, problems, and make sense of it all in this tool-for-thought.
My favorite days are the ones I spend in prison volunteering with the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. PEP leads inmates through a 9 month entrepreneurship program, culminating in a business plan pitch competition. These men leave prison with the skills to create jobs for themselves and others, and statistics prove it out, with graduate recidivism near 7% compared to above 20% Texas average or 50% national average.
I’m have too many side projects, also Funnel Cake, a marketing analytics tool, an iOS inking engine DrawUI, and writing as I learn about machine learning into a mini-book Building with Neurons. I also write books for robots.
I am the founder of Milestone Made, maker of Loose Leaf. I also maintain the personal accountability site AskMeEvery. My clients include Flexibits, creator of the award winning calendar app Fantastical.
In 2006, I co-founded Jotlet.net with Buck Wilson until we were acquired by Jive on April 1st, 2008. My full résumé is available on LinkedIn.