Did you know, that in Firefox 2, creating a link like:
<a onclick="javascript:">click me!</a>
will actually open up the Firefox error console?

You’d think it’d do nothing, since the href is just “javascript:”, but that’s not the case. To do nothing you need a bit more:
<a onclick="javascript:;">click me!</a> or <a onclick="javascript:void(0)">click me!</a>
Notice the semicolon in that first line. If you leave out that semicolon (or a void(0)), then your users will enjoy looking at the error console instead of your site – yikes!
You can stop this from happening if you go to Web Developer’s Options
drop-down menu and then choose Options. Then choose Miscellaneous tab
and untick all the boxes for Error Console.change your a href with onclick
from something like:<a onclick="javascript:OpenPopUp();">click me!</a>to:
<a onclick="javascript:OpenPopUp();return false;">click me!</a>
… in other words, just add return false;